We have something going on every month. Here is a summary of each event. Please be sure to READ MORE to get the details for this year's event.

March: Hope and Friendship Scholarships
High School seniors are invited to apply for a Hope and Friendship Scholarship. $1,000 and $500 scholarships are awarded.

April: Give the Gift of Spring Cleaning- Cleaning, Personal Care and Paper Product Drive
The items needed to keep a household functioning are often very difficult to afford. Even if a household has been gifted assistance from the State of Illinois (SNAP) and/or Lemont Food Pantries, assistance funds are not allowed to be used to purchase cleaning products, personal care items or paper products.

April: Easter Basket Drive
For Easter it would be a wonderful gift to create a basket of food that will become a families Easter Dinner right here in our corner of the world. Great project for small groups, CCD classes, neighbors, scout troops etc.

April - November: Mission Stay Saturdays
Many depart for mission work outside of our corner of the world during summer. Hands, feet and hearts are needed here too. Join us on Mission Stay Saturdays to commit a few hours to helping seniors, disabled, and those who have experienced hardships, with their outdoor yard work and small household repairs.

May: Bicycle Recycle
Have any gently used, unused, slightly worn but still usable bikes, skates, scooters, wagons, strollers, etc? All items donated will be offered to those who truly will appreciate and could use your unused wheels.

June: YEAH Days
Support us in spirit, donation, time, food or effort as we try to meet a basic need of providing food and positive interaction for our youth during the summer months.

July: UnBirthday Party
You have one birthday and 364 UnBirthdays! We get our youth together for a fun night of ​games, food, crafts and laughs.

August: Family Pool Party
Get refreshed in the wonderful Park District pool, enjoy some delicious pizza and pick up a backpack and school supplies.

August: Pickleball Tournament
Mark your calendars!
Tournament Date: August 8, 2020
Registration information coming soon.

August: EPIC Night
Every Person is Crucial - join us for this block-party type event. A family fun night of food, games, challenges, face painting and more. Lots for kids of all ages to enjoy. Bring your neighbors!